Stink Considered Important in Finding True Love

If body odor is a key to romantic attraction, a Florida company claims to have the first scientific way of finding true love.

A new dating service that says it's the first to use DNA matching to find that "perfect someone" is scheduled to launch in Boston promises its technology will use DNA to find a date with "a natural odor you'll love, with whom you'd have healthier children and a more satisfying sex life."How does it work?In analyzing DNA, the company said it looks at immune system genes and identifies compatible mates from people with different immune systems.

"Nature attracts us to our genetic matches with our noses. The fact is, we love how other people smell when their immune systems are different from ours—they smell sexier," the company wrote in a release on its Web site.The DNA collection technique will look familiar to viewers of "Law & Order" and "CSI". The company sends sealed cotton swabs and instructs customers to swab the insides of their cheeks. 

The company promises to keep the genetic information private by giving its labs only customer numbers, not names.The Boston area could be a fertile market for the service. With its large numbers of college students and recent graduates, 39 percent of the population is single, according to Sperling's Web Site.Woman who take birth control pills, use hormonal patches or implants aren't good candidates. The hormones, the company said, leads women to be attracted to different people than those using other forms of contraception.Finding one's soul-mate doesn't come cheap. 

The service costs $1,995, which includes the DNA matching and a background check on prospective dates.The company said it will not allow anyone who's been convicted of a sexual offense, a violent crime or an Internet crime to be a member.


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