Apple Removes Anti-Gay App

It's about time that justice is served for the gay community. Never did we know there was an "anti-gay" application on Apple's best-selling electronic, the iPhone. 

The Manhattan Declaration application for the iPhone, which had passed consumer standards through Apple corporate has finally been removed after a wide-spread uproar of gays and lesbians, ralying against the app via online grassroots forum, Members of this protest say it's completely unconstitutional to approve an app of that calibur when the Apple iPhone is purchased and used by a universal people, irregardless of race, economic stance, and/or lifestyle. Want to know what the Manhattan Declaration is? Read on....

The Manhattan Declaration is a grassroots organization comprised of Christian leaders throughout the US and abroad, who recently launched a widespread movement condemning gay marriage rights. This organization's Apple application consisted of a survey in which phone users would take in efforts to collect diverse opinions on the topics of both gay marriage and abortion rights. Questions like "Do you believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman?" and "Do you support the right of choice regarding abortion?" made up the survey. Users who responded contrary to the beliefs of the group received a message at the end informing them that they answered 0 out of 4 questions correct. The app also invited people to sign up to support and donate to the group's cause.

Out of this world or what?

Quite frankly, Apple could not have made a better choice in removing the application as it had not only violated a constitutional right promising equality for all people, but in essence, implemented censorship or muting of a public's opinion. Why would apple condone the ostracizing of a particular community via their popular interactive product (the app itself?) It's discriminatory to the max! Dare them to approve an app that rallies against minorities. Just food for thought. 


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