Someone's a Bit Vocal When Silence is Due

Life and Style Union just got dibs on Khia's new blog, Motor Mouf, in which see apparently gives her perspective on life, music, art, supposedly the music industry in general and all the intricacies that comprise of it, in a rather blunt, uncensored fashion. Her first blog entry ( which is "Proudly Powered By Wordpress SMDH), talks about Nicki Minaj's new album Pink Friday, wait...backup- her first blog entry bashes the Barbie Doll's debut album, diming it " Trash, Straight Monday Morning Pickup!" The entry is titled as a review of the album but it doesn't give a review of the product in the least, rather ridicules Nicki Minaj's music artistry, making sly and unwarranted references to her prospective financial gain from album sales, in addition to slamming the rap star for her supposed numerous plastic surgeries. Khia also threatens Nicki , boldly stating that she needs to be shot on the spot. With all considered, one can quickly affirm that one-hit wonder Khia is completely out of her "cotton picking mind," (pun intended @ her blast off at ATL-based celebrity photographer Derek Blanks.)
First thing's first: Why is Khia bluffing when the first and the last hit she made was back in 2002? 
Not knocking the song's success but honestly it's Nicki's time now. Since everyone is fully aware that Nicki Minaj is the only female rapper on the airwaves right now, we the public, are now being barraged with online diss records, "reviews," hate-r-aid emails, the works, all of which damn "It's Barbie B*&%$#s," for her talent and critical success. Seems like these queen rappers want her dead. Why? To eliminate competition? Because quite honestly,  noone threatens to kill someone for producing horrible vocals on a record,  and noone wants a rapper dead for pushing out a talent-less song. So what's the deal?

The way we see it Khia,  if you're dormant in the music industry, why are you speaking negatively? Food for thought. Or maybe you're just enacting a publicity stunt like Lil Kim did. "Yall" hate Nicki so much but "yall" both sure are riding off her fame by opposing her. Think about it. The attention both artists have acrewed, are residual. Their records or "reviews," of Onika Miraj " as Khia boldly put it in her article, were listened to  and read by people who already know Nicki Minaj, else the big hoopla over their output wouldnt be a big deal to begin with. Who syndicates information they are completely clueless about?

Anyway, Khia, we want you here on Life and Style Union, to voice your opinions of Pink Friday, constructively, and also to talk about your future plans in the music industry. You're so busy trying to figure out how much money Nicki is taking home after the money is distributed amongst her active business partners, but we all know you aint racking in "zilch." Money don't last forever, whether you're rich or poor, unless there's a steady source of income. Well, let's keep it clean, keep it clean. (Smizes)

Sidenote: Matel won't ever sue Nicki Minaj, it's called Cross-Promotions. She's getting paid for that ish. Yuh Digg!


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